Sunday, November 18, 2012

New place!

...I thought coming to Bangalore would make a different person out of me. More outings, parties, and enjoyments! Well apart from my lovely job, all that I did after getting here is stay at home in front of my Laptop doing GOD knows what and being the same freaking guy I was eight months ago in a different place. Trivandrum, Delhi, Chennai or Bangalore...I am the same...Estoy solo...and I am freaking worried about it and loving it at the same time.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Velho! The blind one!

“Twelve years ago I lost my li'l boy Gabriel, in the woods of Germany. I was on a camping trip with my family, an International camping trip you may say, and I was the Personal Secretary of the Ambassador to Germany. I had every thing; a wife, three adorable children, a camper’s friend Trailer ‘n all the luxuries money could buy. But still all the money couldn’t save us from the disaster that changed our life, I lost my son, my only son…not that I don’t love my daughters…but a son is what a man can wish for and a daughter, a woman. Still they have kept my hopes up from then on.” Those were strong words coming from a person who is famous for his light mindedness, but this is a loss he is talking about, a loss that cannot be gained back…he lost his son…the emotional turmoil it caused is phenomenal…loss of his son…in the dark and mysterious woods of the notorious Black Forest. Days, months, years they searched. But to no conclusion…he was lost just like that…vanished, disappeared from the face of the earth. But not entirely the truth, he was there but they couldn’t find him that’s all.
“Mr. Warren! How old was he? Your son, at the time of disappearance?”  The questioner was Officer Tibet.
“Eh! He was seven. And my daughters ten ‘n twelve.”
“Keep the girls there…but Mr. Warren was there any conflict between the kids of yours? I mean any sibling atrocities, or jealousies or any thing?”
“NO! Its my children you are talking about, they are not bread like that…yeah, may be some small fights, but I don’t know how these are concerned with the questioning because its been twelve years…Twelve God damn long years ‘n no one did nothing, found nothing…but now why bother us now…hurting an aging mans emotions? What? Is the meaning of this? Why the questions, now?” Mr. Warren stood up the tall lean figure panting with rage…what silly questions…twelve years long wait and nothing, and now…this. The fifty-five years old, now Executive Secretary to Romania, helpless in the hands of law, but why? He started to walk away.
“Mr. Warren! I am really sorry for bothering you with all this crap law jurisdictions…but its important we know all about your son as I was appointed to this task of data gathering before we could jump to any conclusions. Please tell me all about your son…from dental record at the time of disappearance, your son’s attire, how he talks? ‘n all the details. Everything…even the conversation you had with him…please take your time we are all ears.”
“Well! I am sorry too for my benignant behavior. Well he was wearing, if I remember right eh…a red striped T-shirt…a black jacket…you know with those funny batman pockets…heh…shhhp…hehhe…he was talking about the witches and wizards that lived in that area…kids! There wild imagination…and the kids they were having a row over something…I…I…Don’t know what was that all about ‘n in the panic I never asked the girls about it either. Its then we noticed that he wasn’t with us…”
“When and where exactly?”
“When we reached a place the locals call Babayaga’s lair…it’s a small cliff edge which faces a dark forest down bellow…heh…funny it felt then like been watched…cant rid of that eerie feeling still. Comes to my mind when ever I am in a dark place…I think we lost him there…I dunno…I really don’t know!!!” Mr. Warren’s eyes become wet, tears crawling through his hard weather worn face.
“So it fits then!!! Jimmy take note of the place ‘n situation…we will need to send it to German Bureau.” He talks to another officer. “Well Mr. Warren! Thank you for your precious time, hope you enjoy the stay in your homeland. And there is good news coming your way, we have found your boy…your details will help us confirm a bit of info, that this boy carries he…”
“Officer is that true? Is my son alive? Is he all right? Where was he? What happened? Tell me for God’s sake…”
“Mr. WARREN!!! Calm down! We have him under custody and he is been moved as we speak, but we need to see some positive ids before confirmation, but as from the story line you told it fits well. He might be your son, he is your son, but there are things that you should take into consideration, twelve years, twelve years in isolation, lost from family…he is under so much pressure…and one big fact you should know…he is, he is blind…”
“Blind? How?”
“That they are not so happy about explaining…they said something about the lenses missing…Not a good time now to discuss all that I see…well you will see him tomorrow…and move the necessary papers…and sign some papers for immigration, because of the years of stay…and all that law shits…be confident Mr. Warren you wont be disappointed, I saw his picture…he looks like you.” Saying this he got up from his chair, getting ready to leave. “Jimmy lets wrap up. Call the Chief and tell him all went fine. Happy reunion Mr. Warren…happy reunion! Good Luck!”
There was questions to be answered, puzzles to be solved, this was one reunion that’s bitter and sweet…his son was back. A strong teenager…no a strong man!


            Twelve years passed and there was no other day as happy as that day for the Warrens. Mr. Warren waiting at the embassy for the big news, the news about his son, he will see him after a long wait of twelve years. Usually the local PD dealt the lost and found cases but this was more than a lost and found, it was a reunion, and that of a national proportion. The boy in subject was lost in another country and that too for a very long time, but these type of cases were not uncommon still the boy in question was the son of a Federal official, a man who dons a respectable position in the nation at a time like this. Well that all are not our matter but the boy is. He is unique, he is been through many and he is blind, in a strange way, mysterious way. As the handicap happened after the boy was lost, it becomes a case of attempted assault and extortion, at least by Police standards, so there are some complications on how or where or when the boy was handicapped. After all these years of wait and the suffering these matters were of no concern for Mr. Warren and his family, they wanted their son back as he is, as he was, they want him to remember them and love them as he did then twelve years ago, which no one can promise. But hope lingers still.

            The news came from the embassy, their son is here, and he has just reached the airport waiting for extraction. The local PD will escort him to the District Counselor for further questioning, as the officials in Case recommended it. A Black GM sedan stopped in front of the embassy porch on which the Warren family was escorted to the Counselor’s Office. The District Counselor was one Prof. Sabeer Paktia, who is famous for his many involvements in cases concerning mental isolation and some dangerous assaults…mostly the later said. He was also a friend of Mr. Warren, and it was he who recommended his name for the counselor. He has a mysterious record, about his family background and his old life. He was a member of a team that dealt with the issues of mostly Arab Americans and other Middle East Countries. He had a wife and two kids, not kids actually, at the time of their death his sons were twenty years old; they were twins- Rashid and Rahim, and their mother Razia…all killed in the September 11 attack. But the funny thing is that they were all earlier immigrants from Afghanistan, at the time of Russian invasion of Northern Afghanistan. He was an old Thaliban soldier, but the fate brought him to the USA, and again fate made him trust worthy earning him a place in the Official seats. That is fate and fate is that which brought Mr. Warren and Prof. Sabeer together, and now it’s the same fate that brings them in a situation like this.

Friday, August 12, 2011

The butterfly man!

The butterfly man!

There lived a crazy man with a long brown coat. Who had dead butterflies pinned inside his coat? There were a lot of butterflies as it was a long coat.

Every evening when the breeze was strong he would climb to the top of the hill. At the precipices he would unbutton his coat, let it fly in the heavy breeze. People would make fun of him, but never complaints as everybody knew he was crazy. Then he would flap his coat like wings in an effort; a failed effort to fly in the draft of breeze. Like every evenings he would come down the hill disappointed, sad but still determined for he knows that there is always a tomorrow.

Every morning when the light of the sun hit the valley, he would run around chasing fresh batch of butterflies. It was really a sight for the sour eyes, because they could use such a sight, funny sight. A grown man in his late thirties running around in his long coat, keep in mind he has no shirt, just his coat and the lined pajama, I am not even sure if he is wearing any underpants…that thought is for another day.

One fine evening, the valley bared witness to a new event. Kites! There were children flying kites. One kite in particular was a special one. A butterfly kite, kite in the shape of a butterfly. This truly intrigued the crazy butterfly man. As usual he started his ascend to the summit of the hill with one thought in mind, flight!

Little Timmy was the one with the butterfly kite…he was flying it so brilliantly that it soared above all else. Timmy was really happy. Our crazy butterfly man now standing in his usual spot was feeling the wind. He closed his eyes, unbuttoned the coat and let the wind blew gently yet firmly through him. He could feel it, today was the day he was going to fly, why?

He visualized the ground, him gently gliding through the air like an eagle. He stretched his wings (coat) flapped it, strong and firm then slowly opened his eyes and there he saw it, the sign! The huge butterfly gliding in front of him magnificent, brilliant.

Every one in the valley knew something was off. They looked up in awe as they saw our hero- butterfly man flap his coat vigorously, more vigorous than usual, they grew unrest. Among the spectators was our Little Timmy gliding, guiding his magnificent butterfly kite. In a split of a second it happened…our crazy man jumped!

He floated through the air for a moment, which seemed like an eternity for him, for he was convinced that he was flying. The sensation of gliding through the air, free of all misery and bondages. He was flying! Or rather caught up in the kite.

Little Timmy struggled to keep his kite up in the air as the crazy man who now was strangled to the chord of the kite. Timmy tried his best not to let go, the wind was awfully strong this evening, something terrible might happen if he let go. He was adamant not to. He steered and glided the kite efficiently, and then suddenly the unthinkable happened! The chord broke and now the kite was free. Our dear old butterfly man was the one who was flying it now. He who truly believed to be flying was the only one unscathed by these events. People on the ground waited anxiously, more dread than intrigue on what was going to happen to the crazy man.

Then it all became crystal clear to them, there was nothing they could do. The kite now took him way out of their sight. Nobody knew what befell the butterfly man and little Timmy’s butterfly kite. No body saw them ever again. The Kite and the crazy man both are lost to them till date! Still little Timmy waits at the cliffs edge waiting for his kite to return.

Ps: “We now see our crazy butterfly man in a café sipping hot coffee and reading an old tattered magazine, with two wings protruding out of his back (Butterfly kite).”

Monday, May 30, 2011


All I ever wanted.....

All I ever wanted.....
Was a chance to dance,
Not a chance to glance, but Dance!
For I am blind,
To the one that I want to Have a chance.....To Dance!

Dance- A total physical and mental experience that will surely take the breath out of the one who indulges in them. The beauty of the art lies in the moves that you make while you dance, whether it is body popping, hip hop, classical (both western or eastern) or the total mayhem of an art that we call "parkour". It is purely energetic and reviving! To the core!

Now- All I ever wanted was a chance to Dance!

Monday, March 21, 2011

R-A-P Really Angry Person!

I am sad.....

I am sad , coz I am bad!
I am bad, coz I am bald!
I am bald, coz I am glad!
I am glad, coz I am bad!
I am bad, coz I am Sad!

Random ramblings of a gambling sibling,
A sibling who forgets to bring bling to his gambling,
I am rambling for a reason for my purpose is to treason,
Every points of reason does not comply with my need son!

This ain't rapping, its just crap,
My buddy forgot to take his wrap,
The wrap tastes in my mouth like Shit,
the burrito that I bought is so crap!

I should leave blogging
should I start clogging
the airways of people
Who reads my blogging!


I know its B-A-D......Beats All Dumbs!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Land of the Rising Sun

Thousands died!
Thousands are still missing.
   As we witnessed the awesome power of our "mother earth", we should ask there any difference if we belong to the first world nations or the second or the third! For as far as I can see, "mother earth" gives no discrimination in doing what she does best- self preservation. I saw in CNN, BBC, ABCNews the same thing; over and over annihilation of a nation who is proud of their heritage both good and bad.
  We all know Japan as a state of great technological advancements, peaceful nation who have turned the very destructive power that nearly destroyed them in the past into something advantageous for them…a constant power source. We see our everyday lives assisted or even controlled by their technical marvels- cars, motorbikes, electrical appliances you name it they have it! But all this accolades and achievements are nothing when it came to their current situation. The only attribute that helps them, keeps them moving is their resilience, and fire within. The old Japan that only few knows and a lot fears.
   Remember, these are not actual facts but rather a compilation of my thoughts that I believe I needed to jot down. I respect the nation and its citizens, as they are one hell of an example for us to follow in the face of disaster. Till now of course!
My best wishes for “Land of the Rising Sun”!

Kōun o inoru! Nippon!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I QUOTE! From my mind:

"The best is the dream, the worst is the reality!"

"Live like there is no tomorrow, but eat like there is always tomorrow!"

"Experience teaches you nothing but to fear the past. Its the fear that teaches you how to leave that past!"

"It is only human to fear the abnormal, so fear me!"

"Life teaches you how to live, but I taught you how to survive this life!"

"If you fear GOD then fear yourself, because GOD is in everyone !"

"Survival of the fittest is not a theory it is a practical."

"You cannot judge a human by nature, because it is in human nature not to be judged by anyone."

"Fear does not mean to be afraid of something or someone, it is just an awareness to what harm the other can inflict up on you."

"Girl friends are too complicated...They wants us guys to look like twenty years old and act like forty!"

"It is not the destination but the path that is treacherous!"

"It is always easy to judge someone without knowing who they really are, but it is harder to change that judgment once you come to know them."

"Two able soldiers are better than one hundred ill able soldiers."

"Wise men once said-an idle mind is Devil's workshop...Well I say it is always preferable to be a Devil than an angel in this God forsaken world!"

"No one is perfect in every thing, they are perfect in some attributes at the cost of others."

"One sacrifices certain qualities while acquiring the qualities one needs."

"A person can never be complete. It is like a full course meal, no matter how many delicacies it has it is never enough."

"Your one mistake has more ability to acquire undivided attention than all the successes you have ever gained."

"Experience is the name given to all the mistakes that you have ever done."

"Solitude is a boon when you have everything to loose, but a curse when you have got nothing to loose."

"Light is a curse for the ones who craves shades, darkness is a gift for the ones who are in the light."

"A person will not change tomorrow...if he cannot change today!"

"T thought of things to come is just a figment of ones own imagination!"

"You can never finish somethings tomorrow if you cannot finish it today!"

"The future bears the consequences of the past and the present."

"The young dies for the wars waged by the old!"

"The young ones pays for the old ones debts!"

"The young suffers for the sins of the old!"

"To be wise is not necessarily to be all knowing, but is just to know the right things at the right time."

"The wise keeps quiet while the stupid blabbers on."

"It is not bravery to turn your head from justice, but rather a cowardly act!"

"Cowards hide from justice while the brave faces them head on."

"To love is a quality, but to be loved is a blessing."

"A man does not feel that he belongs until he knows the love of a woman."

"A woman can lead a man to his victory and still make him feel like he has gained none."